Talent Management and HR Services

Lesley Bell Consulting

animated image consulting at Lesley bell consulting

Independent Advice

A consultant is often a necessary tool for taking your business to the next level

Objective Perspective

You may simply be too close to the issues to see clearly. A consultant has "fresh eyes" and can often spot problems relatively quickly.

Market Knowledge

Having knowledge and understanding of the surrounding marketplace, a consultant brings a solid perspective of current developments.

Time Management

Delegating demanding tasks to a consultant, will enable you to focus on areas where you have the greatest impact.

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Providing Smart & Valuable Services

To achieve their goals, businesses understand they will run into barriers.
Let me assess your current process, discuss where you want to be, and design a bespoke program to suit your unique needs.


“Always treat your employees exactly as you want them to treat your best customers.”
― Stephen R. Covey


“When people are financially invested, they want a return. When people are emotionally invested, they want to contribute.”
― Simon Sinek

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Achieve your goals today


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Services & Solutions


" Organizations with a streamlined and effective onboarding process experience 62% greater new hire productivity. "

Harvard Business Review, To Retain New Hires Spend More Time Onboarding Them
“Performance   Management”

" I’d like to know someone cares about me. I’d like to know the things I’m working on matter. And I’d like to know how it’s going, so I have a chance to be successful. "Well, who wouldn’t want that? "

Bill Schaninger, Straight Talk About Employee Evaluation and Performance Management, McKinsey podcast

" If you’re good to your staff when things are going well, they’ll rally when times go bad."

Kay Ash, Business Leader and Entrepreneur
“Orientation and Training”

" The only thing worse than training your employees and having them leave, is not training them and having them stay."

Henry Ford, Founder, Ford Motor Company


Blogs I enjoy
image of thriveglobal lesley bells favorite blog page.

Thrive Global

Arianna Huffington makes an impassioned and compelling case for the need to redefine what it means to be successful in today’s world.

image of clearconceptinc  one of lesley bells favorite blog pages

Clear Concept

Clear Concept Inc. is an international organization training people, to achieve their best work and live their best life through practical productivity and leadership programs.